Italy - Introduction

country: Italy

Higher education aims at promoting science progress and supplying the necessary scientific culture for the professional practice. The whole higher education sector in Italy underwent a reform process to align itself with the European model outlined through the following European agreements: Sorbonne (1998), Bologna (1999), Prague (2001), Berlin (2003) and Bergen (2005). According to the European prospect, the reform of the Italian higher education system provides a system subdivided into three separate sectors: University education non-university higher education offered by the Higher level Arts and Music Education system (Afam) higher technical education and training and non-university higher education offered by other institutions.

University is the seat of education and critical transmission of knowledge; it systematically combines research and teaching and assures their freedom. University management is based on the principles of autonomy and responsibility. Universities have adopted new autonomy statutes which establish their governing bodies (rector, Senato Accademico, board of management) as well as their teaching and research structures. The university carries out its institutional aims, like teaching and scientific research, through faculties, courses, departments (, institutes and service centres. The Afam system is made up of the following institutions (6.5.1.): Academies of Fine Arts, the National Academy of Drama, Higher institutes for Artistic Industries (ISIA), Conservatoires, the National Dance Academy and officially recognised music institutes. Such educational institutions are the principal seats of high level education, specialization and research in the art and music sector and they carry out correlated activities. They have legal status and statutory, teaching, scientific, administrative, financial and accounting autonomy.

The Higher technical education and training ( IFTS) aims at a quick insertion of students into the labour market. IFTS courses are destined to young people and adults who, after having obtained a diploma, want to obtain a specialization corresponding to high level qualifications and specific professional skills. IFTS courses last from two to four semesters and release a specialisation certificate.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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