06 - Turkey - Admission requirements

In this section conditions of admission to higher education programs and entrance process are explained together. The admission requirements and enterance process explained below are valid for all age groups including adults. Higher education programs and conditions of entrance can be handled in two groups: (1) Associate degree and bachelor’s degree programs and (2) graduate programs.

Entrance to Associate Degree and Bachelor's Degree Programs

As a general principle, entrance to any stages of higher educational programs is conditional upon graduation from a general or vocational-technical secondary schools and achievement in examinations that are held on central level. With the exception of special ability programs (arts, music, gymnastics etc.) higher educational institutions do not have authorizations in conditions of entrance and selection of their students. Entrance conditions and process of higher education programs on any stages (associate degree, bachelor’s degree and graduate degrees) are determined centrally by Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK). Arrangements for entrance to higher education and the process are bound to a legal frame. Fundamental principles that determine conditions of entrance to higher education programs are arranged by the articles 45/a and 50/a of Yükseköğretim Kanunu No. 2547 and the application procedures are arranged by regulations that are prepared in accordance with this law.

The article 45/a of this law, entrance guidelines for associate degree and bachelor's degree programs foresee entrance by examinations that are set by Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) and also consideration of students' achievement in secondary education.

The 10th Article of the aforementioned law arranges treatment and duties of the Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi’nin (ÖSYM by holding these examinations. ÖSYM within the principles that Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) set is intended to accept students to higher education institutions and acts as an institution that is affiliated to Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK), prepares and conducts examinations, evaluates and places the students to higher education institutions. ÖSYM informs candidates by preparing a Guide for Student Selection and Placement within the resolutions and legal legislation of Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) in the application period for examination. Graduates of any secondary education schools and students who are at the last grade and ready for graduation can enter for the examinations that are held by ÖSYM for student placement to higher education programs.

Examinations are in a multiple-choice test form and intended to measure general competencies and field knowledge. Examinations consist of questions in five basic fields (Turkish, Social Sciences, Mathematics, Science, and Foreign Language) and students reply the questions of the field or fields that are foreseen to be used in the calculation of the type of score for the program they plan to enter. In the examinations, scores are calculated in seven types as Verbal score I, II (cover Turkish and social sciences), Quantitative scoreI, II (cover math, biology, chemistry, physics), Equally Weighted score I, II (cover both verbal and quantitative ares) and Foreign Language. Entrance to programs is associated with one of the types of score. Type of score for which the student will enter for the examination is mentioned in the application for examination. Examinations are held all over the country on the predetermined date and hours. The examination results as well as the calculated high school grade point averages are informed to the candidates. High school grade point averages are used in the student placement score calculation of the candidates and calculated in two stages: (1) For any candidate who applies to ÖSS, considering the school, graduation year and grade point of the candidate a score called High School Grade Point Average (OBP) is calculated, (2) for any candidate that these OBSs are to be weighted by ÖSS achievement of the schools they graduate three weighted composite scores are calculated as Verbal, Quantitaive and Equally Weighted. Different coefficients are applied in the calculation of high school grade scores according to school and program types.

Candidates choose considering their examination results and OBP points excluding entrance to special ability programs. In central placement the ones who have the right to choose among higher education programs are divided into three groups: (1) The candidates who enter for the student selection examination and get scores over than minimum score (160 or 185) (2) the candidates who enter for Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı (ÖSS) and also who have the right to pass without examination and (3) the ones who only apply for a pass without examination. ÖSYM candidates place by listing according to placement scores in the basis of programs they prefer within quota.

Entrance to graduate programs quite differs from bachelor’s degree programs.

Entrance to higher education according to educational stages is given in more details below:

Entrance to Higher Vocational Schools (2-year programs)

Entrance to higher vocational schools can be either by central examination or without an examination according to the graduated school type.

Students who are graduated from vocational and technical high schools can be placed in higher vocational schools that are qualified as a continual of the programs they graduate or the closest programs conducted primarily within his/her Mesleki ve Teknik Eğitim Bölgeleri or out of his/her area without examination (2547-45/e). The ones who would like to enter a higher education program participate only in the placement process of Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM).

The ones who are graduated from vocational and technical high schools and would not like to have education in higher vocational schools that conduct programs as a continual of the programs they graduated or closest to those and graduates of general academic secondary educational institutions enter for Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı (ÖSS) (ÖSS) that is held by ÖSYM. Candidates hold an election considering the examination results and OBP scores as mentioned above. To be able to choose among higher vocational schools it is mandatory to get the minimum score that is determined for these schools. ÖSYM conducts placement procedures by listing students according to their placement scores within the quota. The candidates who are graduated from vocational and technical high schools and enter for Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı (ÖSS) can be placed to a higher vocational school program even they have got a score under the predetermined minimum score.

Entrance to Faculties and Higher Schools (Four year bachelor degree programs)

There are two ways for entrance to four-year faculties and higher schools:

  • Central Selection and Placement:In this method, students are determined by following the above mentioned process of central examination and placement. The candidates who enter for the examinations by Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM) and get the predetermined minimum score (180) scores or over make placement preferences considering high school grade points and prerequisites of the program. ÖSYM subjects every candidate to achievement grading beginning from the first choice according to the placement score that is calculated by combining high school grade point average. Candidates are placed into a higher education program according to this grading.
  • Selection and Placement by Special Ability Examination:This form of examination and placement is intended for student placement to programs that require special ability such as sports, fine arts etc. So as to enter for special ability examinations and placement process entering for Öğrenci Seçme Sınavı (ÖSS) and having the score of predetermined minimum score for special ability programs or over for the candidates is a prerequisite. Candidates who fulfill this prerequisite and prerequisites of the program (for example for sports field not being physically handicapped) can apply for a concerned higher education institution. Institutions hold an applied special ability examination in accordance with the principles that are set by Yükseköğretim Kurulu (YÖK) and arrange candidates according to their achievement ranks and place them within the quota.

Entrance to Graduate Programs (master and doctoral programs)

The article 50/a of Yüksek Öğretm Kanunu, No. 2547 foresees student selection for graduate programs (masters, doctoral degree, proficiency in arts and specialty in medicine) by examination that is held by higher education institutions in accordance with the guidelines that are determined by Üniversiteler Arası Kurul (ÜAK). Within this frame graduate education is arranged by two regulations and can be handled in two groups. (1) Master, Doctorate and Proficiency in Arts Programs and (2) Specialty in Medicine Programs.

First of them are arranged by Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliği and second by Tıpta Uzmanlık Eğitimi İçin Öğrenci Seçme Sınavları Hakkındaki Yönetmelik.

Entrance to Master, Doctorate, Proficiency in Arts Programs

Lisansüstü Eğitim ve Öğretim Yönetmeliği is an omnibus frame on national level for graduate, doctorate and proficiency for arts programs and set the minimum conditions for graduate education. Each university prepares its own regulation on the basis of this regulation and Yükseköğretim Kanunu for the arrangement of graduate education. Universities and departments are able to set additional conditions by the resolutions of their own senates and raise the minimum conditions. Therefore entrance to graduate programs may differ per university.

According to the second item of this regulation minimum conditions of entrance to graduate programs are mentioned below:

So as to apply for postgraduate programs, candidates should have a bachelor's degree diploma and have the Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitim Giriş Sınav (ALES) standard score that is determined by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 55 standard points in type of scores for the applied program in the ALES held centrally by Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM).

So as to be able to apply for doctorate program candidates should have a bachelor's degree or master degree, at least diploma of a ten year Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary Faculties excluding preparatory classes, bachelor’s degree or master degree from Faculty of Pharmacy and Science, a specialty attained in the laboratory branch in accordance with the rudiments that are arranged by Ministry of Health and have ALES standard score that is set by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 55 (70 for the applicants with bachelor’s degree diplomas) in type of scores for the applied program in ALES.

So as to be able to apply for “Proficiency in Art” program candidates should have a bachelor or master’s degree diploma and have the ALES standard score that is set by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 55 (70 for the candidates with a bachelor's degree diploma) from the Verbal section in ALES. However, ALES is not required to admit students to fine art faculties and conservatories.

So as to be able to apply for doctorate programs in Basic Medical Sciences, Medicine Faculty graduates should have bachelor’s degree diplomas and have the Basic Medical Score that is determined by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 50 or ALES standard score that is determined by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 55 standard points from the quantitative section in ALES; for the ones who are not Medicine Faculty graduates should have a master degree diploma (Dentistry and Veterinary graduates with a bachelor’s degree) and ALES standard score that is determined by the concerned senate on the condition of a score of not less than 45 standard points from the Numerical section in the ALES. Basic Medical Score of Tıpta Uzamanlık Sınavı (TUS) is obtained by multiplying the standard score that is obtained from Basic Medical Sciences Test-1 in

Apart from the above mentioned requirements to apply doctoral programmes, candidates are required to have at least 55 points from Inter-university Language Examination known Üniversitelerarası Kurul Dil Sınavı (UDS) or from an equivalent exam approved by Inter-university Council, foreigners are required to have at least 55 points from English, French or German section of UDS or an equivalent examination approved by Üniversitelerarası Kurul. University senates are authorized to increase these minimum requirements.

Also in the student admission to master degree programs, in addition to the Akademik Personel ve Lisansüstü Eğitim Giriş Sınav (ALES) score (in this examination there are questions in two Proficiency fields as Verbal and Numerical and three types of score are calculated as verbal, numerical and equally weighted) bachelor’s degree and/or master degree grade point averages and the examination result (interview, written exam or both) can be evaluated if required. The subjects for this evaluation and other documents that candidates should provide (recommendatory letter, composition about the reason for postgraduate education, international standard examinations etc.) and on which level knowledge of foreign language is required are determined by regulations that is issued by the concerned senate. The evaluation rate of the ALES point not less than 50% is determined by the concerned senate. Concerned university or high technology institute with the approval of their senates can also admit students by only ALES or Basic Medical Sciences Test scores of TUS.

Graduates of which bachelor’s degree or master’s degree programs that can be applicant for master degree, bachelor’s degree programs and proficiency in arts study are determined with the resolution by Üniversitelerarası Kurul (ÜAK), yet the concerned senate can conclude student admission out of determined programs.

Procedures and rudiments on student admission for master degree programs in teacher training fields, evaluation and diplomas to be granted, guidelines for the minimum joint lessons and applications of these programs are determined by Yükseköğretim Kurulu(YÖK) considering the views of Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı (MEB) and Üniversitelerarası Kurul (ÜAK).

Entrance to Medical Specialty Programs

Only medicine faculty graduates can apply for these programs. Diplomas from these programs are equivalent to doctorate degree. Students who are placed in these programs are entitled to work at research assistant status in a salaried position during their education in medicine faculties.

These programs admit students every year with a central examination called Tıpta Uzmanlık Sınavı (TUS) that is held by Öğrenci Seçme ve Yerleştirme Merkezi (ÖSYM). Examinations are in a multiple-choice form. Entrance to Medical Specialty Programs is arranged by Tıpta Uzmanlık Eğitimi İçin Öğrenci Seçme Sınavları Hakkındaki Yönetmelik. According to these regulations examinations of the candidates to be selected for medical specialty education and selection procedures are conducted with a central system by ÖSYM according to the results of this examination. Application for examinations, branch preferences, examinations to be held and guidelines for evaluation and selection are mentioned in detail in examination guides that are prepared within the examination period and executed upon approval by Yükseköğretim Kurulu. the Tıpta Uzmanlık Sınavı-TUS by 0.7 and standard score which is obtained from Clinical Medical Sciences Test of TUS by 0.3 and adding them.



Higher Education Council
Yükseköğretim Kurulu Başkanlığı 06539 Bilkent Ankara/TÜRKİYE
Tel.:+90 312 298 70 00
Fax:+90 312 266 51 53
E-mail:   webadmin@yok.gov.tr
Website:  http://www.yok.gov.tr  


Student Selection and Placement Center
ÖSYM 06538 Bilkent Ankara/TÜRKİYE
Tel.:+90 312 298 80 50
Fax:+90 312 298 85 30
E-mail:  osym@osym.gov.tr
Website:  http://www.osym.gov.tr


Ministry of National Education
Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı Atatürk Bulvarı Bakanlıklar Ankara/TÜRKİYE
Tel.:+90 312 424 08 87
Fax:+90 312 417 70 27



Üniversitelerarası Kurul Genel Sekreterliği

06539 Bilkent Ankara/TÜRKİYE
Tel.:+90 (312) 298 70 00
Fax:+90 (312) 266 47 42
E-mail:  uak@yok.gov.tr
Website:  http://www.yok.gov.tr/uak/kurul.php

Date: 2009
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