03 - Austria - Specific legislative framework

Paramedical colleges ("Medizinisch-technische Akademien")

Federal act regulating the higher-level paramedical professions: Bundesgesetz über die Regelung der gehobenen medizinisch-technischen Dienste as amended

Regulation issued by the Federal Minister for Health, Sports and Consumer Protection regulating higher-level paramedical training: "MTD-Ausbildungsverordnung" (As a supplementary description of the qualification obtained, a diploma supplement will be issued.)

Ordinance on Fachhochschule bachelor’s degree programmes for higher-level paramedical professions issued by the Federal Minister of Health and Women: "FH-MTD-Ausbildungsverordnung"

Midwifery colleges ("Hebammenakademien")

Federal act on midwives: "Bundesgesetz über den Hebammenberuf'" / "Hebammengesetz – HebG" as amended

Regulation issued by the Federal Minister for Health and Consumer Protection regulating the training of midwives: "Hebammen-Ausbildungsverordnung" (As a supplementary description of the qualification obtained, a diploma supplement will be issued.)

Ordinance on Fachhochschule programmes for midwifery training leading to a bachelor’s degree issued by the Federal Minister of Health and Women: "FH-Hebammenausbildungsverordnung"


Under the 'Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz' (Federal Constitutional Act), legislation and execution of all matters relating to universities and Fachhochschulen are a federal responsibility. The Federation is the statutory provider for universities and Fachhochschulen, and training institutions in this sector not maintained by the Federation are private universities.

The 2001 amendment to the Service Code for universities abolished public-law service contracts for new university teachers. Until the full entry into force of the 2002 "Universitätsgesetz" (Universities Act), new service contracts were concluded under the Act on Contract Staff. Contract-staff service agreements will be converted into private-law employment agreements as soon as a collective agreement has been reached by the umbrella organisation of the universities as employer and the trade unions.

The remaining public-law service contracts of university teachers are still regulated by the 1979 "Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetz " and the 1956 "Gehaltsgesetz"

The federal university budget is adopted as a part of the national budget act by parliament at the proposal of the federal government in the form of the annual 'Bundesfinanzgesetz'. In accordance with the 2002 "Universitätsgesetz", the federal government contributed an annual lump-sum amount for the years 2004 to 2006. For the following years, the budget allocated to the universities will depend on performance agreements which are negotiated every three years.


The structural development of the Fachhochschule sector is regulated by the 1993 "Bundesgesetz über Fachhochschulen".



Universität für Weiterbildung Krems
Dr. Karl-Dorrek-Straße 30, A-3500 Krems


Federal Ministry of Science and Research
Minoritenplatz 5 1014 Wien


Federal Ministry for Health, Family and Youth
Radeckystraße 2 1030 Wien

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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