05 - Austria - Types of institution

Generally, a distinction is to be made between universities and Fachhochschulen and other post-secondary study courses.

Colleges and other training institutions for health occupations

  • Colleges for health occupations: Paramedical colleges (Medizinisch-technische Akademien) and Midwifery colleges (Hebammenakademien)
  • Other training institutions for health occupations: Training institutions for certified cardiology technicians


Universities are public educational institutions which, in their academic research and research -based teaching, are directed towards the advancement of knowledge and new approaches to the arts.


In order to safeguard the quality of tertiary education in the Fachhochschule sector, Fachhochschule programmes, which are provided by various (mostly private) organisations, have to be formally accredited. (This is not the case in the public university sector.) The Fachhochschule Council may award providers once they offer a certain number of study programmes upon application the designation "Fachhochschule", which may entail different powers such as the right to confer academic degrees.

Private universities

There are also private universities (authorised by the Accreditation Council) which offer tertiary study programmes.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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