09 - Austria - Organisation of the academic year

Training at paramedical colleges starts on the first Monday in October.

Training at midwifery colleges starts on the first Monday in October or the first Monday in March.

At universities, the academic year starts on 1 October and ends on 30 September. Detailed arrangements are laid down by the university senate.

At Fachhochschule institutions likewise, the academic year starts around 1 October. Detailed regulations are laid down by the individual providers.

At universities, the number of lectures attended in each semester and of examinations taken is left entirely to the discretion of students and their individual academic plans.

Fachhochschule studies are designed as annual systems. Lecture attendance is approx. 30 weekly hours. Programmes for working adults are based on a somewhat reduced number of weekly hours.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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