04 - Bulgaria - General Objectives
According to the Higher Education Act, a main goal of the higher education in Bulgaria is the
preparation of highly qualified specialists and the development of science and culture. Higher
education aims to promote universal values and the national spiritual traditions, irrespective of
ideologies, religions and political doctrines. The higher education reform has established three main
goals which determine the development and organization of the teaching/learning process:
• Preparation for the labour market – the structure, contents and order of the higher education
qualifications are aimed at following the requirements of employers as well as at improving the
employment aptitude of specialists with higher education. In that sense, the system for
continuing education and training has been of ever growing importance in the higher
education system;
• Personal development- a challenge aimed at individualization of the professional and
educational profile of the specialists with higher education and at improving the general
competitiveness of the national economy;
• Developing and maintaining contemporary and practical knowledge – represents an integral
part of the higher education reform for seeking connections between higher education and
science; a main evaluation criterion of the higher schools is the research and development
activity, publications of the teaching staff and the contribution of the higher school to the
regional and national economy;
• Development of an active civil society supporting the foundations of a democratic social
A main goal of higher education within the lifelong learning concept is the providing of a wider access
to higher education and the creation of equal opportunities for all citizens to participate in higher
school programmes. With the beginning of the Transition period all barriers on access to higher
education were removed. The Higher Education Act does not allow privileges or restrictions connected
with age, race, nationality, ethnicity, sex, social background, political views and religion. In addition,
the Act regulates alleviations for admitting groups at risk of social isolation- people with disabilities,
mothers with children etc. Financial and social support for disadvantaged students. EU citizens apply
and are educated under the same terms and procedure as Bulgarian citizens.
Changes in the goals and priorities of higher education in Bulgaria are determined by the national
contex and the common European policies in that field.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009