05 - Bulgaria - Types of institution

Higher schools in Bulgaria are state and private. State higher schools conduct their activity on the basis of an annual state subsidy, the state property and revenue they have raised themselves. Private higher schools could have different structure, way of management and appointing of the managing bodies as compared to the compulsory ones for state higher schools under the condition that this does not violate academic freedoms. Both state and private higher schools are established on the basis of a common procedure, by force of a decision of the National Assembly and are subject to equal rights and obligations.

Higher schools are:

1) Universities – educate a wide range of specialists from professional tracks in at least three out of four main scientific fields; have their own academic staff , equipment and facilities which ensure practical training as well; conduct education in the Bachelor, Master and Doctoral degree in the respective fields, have the necessary contemporary means for information servicing of education;

2) Specialised higher schools- conduct education in one of the main fields in science, arts, physical education and military science; the specific field of training of specialists is included in the name of the higher school; can teach in the Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees of education qualification. The specialised higher schools issue diplomas equal in value as the one issued from universities and teach under the same legislative requirements;

3) Independent colleges – conduct training leading to the acquisition of a Specialist education qualification degree; have their own academic staff; colleges can be established within the structure of universities and specialised higher schools and in this case, in terms of structure, they are considered main units of the higher school.

The Bulgarian higher education system differentiates between academic and vocational higher education. The Specialist education qualification degree belongs to vocational higher education and is closely related to immediately entering the labour market. Despite that, the law has provided opportunities for continuing the education to a higher degree in compliance with the terms and procedure established by the higher schools themselves.

Education in the Doctoral educational and scientific degree can be conducted besides at specialized higher schools also at the structures of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the National Centre for Agrarian Sciences, the National Centres for Public Health and other scientific organizations. Doctoral students at scientific organizations have the same status and rights as those at higher schools.

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Date: 2009
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