08 - Bulgaria - Financial support for students

Bulgarian students and students citizens of EU member states have the right to receive financial support in the form of scholarships and loans. Students and Doctoral candidates have the right to apply for state budget scholarships, scholarships established by higher schools and scholarships of natural persons and legal entities. The amount, terms and procedure for students and Doctoral candidates to receive their scholarships is determined by the Council of Ministers and the Higher Schools Regulations or by the will of the donor. Scholarships in higher education could bescholarships based on academic achievements and scholarships for social assistance. When scholarships for academic achievement are granted, this is done on the basis of the average grades from the previous two semesters.

The amount of scholarships is close to that of the minimal salary for the country.

The head of the higher school, the Rector, has the right to award students with prizes and grant them assistance in the following cases:

• As awards for the achievement of success in the field of academic, research and development and other activities;

• As assistance in cases of poor financial circumstances. Students are entitled to preferential conditions for loans which would ensure their tuition and maintenance during their studies.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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