12 - Bulgaria - Teaching methods
The preparation of learning materials, supplementary materials and other sources of information is
considered an important aspect of higher education quality and therefore it is taken into consideration
when forming the institutional evaluation and accreditation. The use and creation of different learning
materials is part of the academic autonomy. Information and resource centres (including libraries, halls
with internet access are part of the higher school structure and the realization of certain aspects of the
study process.
To maintain a university status, institutions have to maintain a library whose book stock
is relevant to the educational and scientific processes at the higher school.
The forms of training used are lectures, seminars, practical workshops. Their ratio is determined
according to the study programmes and regulations of the higher schools. ICT is becoming an inseparable part of tertiary education thus providing students with a greater freedom and
independence during their studies.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009