18 - Bulgaria - Organisational variations, alternative structures
The Higher Education Act envisages the following forms oftertiary education:
• full-time;
• part-time;
• evening;
• distance.
These days, more often than not, the above forms of tertiary education are blended into one and the
same course of study and it is becoming difficult to find a pure form of tertiary education. Electronic
means of communication along with various forms of self-study take up a prominent position among
methods of education.
Carrying out distant education in its pure form means that some specific resources and conditions
have been provided. In order to ensure that quality distance education is organized in Bulgaria, this
particular form is discussed in a special Ordinance, envisaging all the requirements for its carrying out.
The legal basis related to distance education is not restricted in view of the specialities or degrees of
education. It is rather at the discretion of the respective tertiary school which specialities and which
degrees are to be offered in a distance format.
All the activities concerning planning, organising and performing distance studies are carried out by a
special unit at the respective tertiary school, i.e. its Distance Learning Centre. This Centre is
responsible for the technological and technical provision of the course of study.
Distance learning is organized on the basis of study documentation, approved of by the academic
council following the joint suggestion of the major unit which carries out the particular course and the
Distance Learning Centre.
The documentation is the same as the a compulsory one, accompanied by a list of the team involved
in the distant course, a reference material regarding organisation of access to information sources, a
list of the technical and communication means, a system of examination and assessment, means of
controlling the exam procedures and making them transparent, as well as a system of controlling the
quality of education offered.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009