A student proceeds to a higher stage of a vyšší odborná škola or vysoká škola if she or he
fulfils the conditions specified in the accredited educational programme. The
details on progression, transfer to a different study programme, interruption
of studies or their extension are described separately for vyšší odborná škola and
for vysoká škola.
Tertiary professional education
A student who has successfully met the conditions specified by the accredited
educational programme for a relevant level proceeds to a higher level.
Examinations may be repeated twice. An examination by an examining board is
always organised in the case of a second resit, and it is also used if there
are any doubts about the correctness of the assessment of student. This form of
examination can also be employed in the case of comparative tests and in cases
defined by the accredited educational programme. An examination by an examining
board takes place on a date determined by the school head, who also nominates
the examining board.
Students can transfer to another vyšší
odborná škola during the course of their studies, change their
field of education, interrupt their studies, or repeat a level, and are
entitled to recognition of their previous education upon a request made in
The school head may interrupt the education of a student for a period not
longer than two years. For this period the student ceases to be a student of
the relevant vyšší odborná škola. After the specified time elapses the student
continues to study at the same level at which he/she interrupted his/her
studies. With the prior consent of the school head the student may continue
his/her studies in an upper grade if they demonstrate corresponding knowledge
and practical skills and the manner in which these have been achieved.
Education at vyšší odborné školy may take various study forms, all of which are
Higher education
Students may be enrolled in a higher year of vysoká škola after passing the prescribed
examinations or after achieving the prescribed number of points or credits.
If the student discovers that the choice of a study programme or study field
does not suit them, they may transfer to another study programme or study field
at the same faculty or vysoká škola or at another faculty or vysoká škola. If
the part of study programme he/she has already completed is sufficiently compatible
with the newly chosen study field, the achieved results are counted either in
the original programme or in the new field or programme. If this is not the
case, it is recommended that they bridge the gap by taking special examinations
for transferring between courses. Transfers from one study programme or study
field to another or from one institution to another are also possible if the
student later finds out that they do not have sufficient knowledge or abilities
to master the programme or field of study originally chosen. The recognition of
the previous study depends on the accepting institution. The previous study
length is counted in the standard study length of the new study programme or
study field. This is important especially for the calculation of the fees when
a student exceeds the standard length by more than one year.
A change of a programme or field of study during the course of studies is
basically possible. However, there is an effort to prevent this by ensuring
that students choose an appropriate programme or field of study. Preparatory
courses and academic guidance centres also help to avoid students changing their
study programme or field.
In the case of a failed examination, the study and examination regulations of
vysoké školy allow for exams to be retaken as well as whole years. However,
this means that the student usually loses time, which has financial consequences.
In some cases the student also loses certain social advantages such as a
scholarship or the right to accommodation in a hall of residence, or social
allowances for students older than 26.
Students can choose to interrupt their studies.
The rules for transfer from the Bachelor's to Master's and to doctoral study
programmes are given by the requirements for admission to those programmes.