12 - Denmark - Teaching methods

Short-cycle higher education

The programmes of international trade and marketing are theoretical/academically oriented in the sense that the teaching mainly takes place at the educational institutions, whereas practical training only forms part of the programmes to a somewhat limited extent.

When organising the programme, the institution must take its point of departure in relevant business practices and applied theory. The institution may organise up to 15 ECTS-points of the obligatory part of the programme as differentiated teaching in order to ensure the students a common study basis. The institutions must ensure progression throughout the entire course of study.

The programme must encompass teaching methods, which can develop the students’ independence and ability to create innovation. The institution may lay down provisions in the curriculum to the effect that the students are obliged to participate in the teaching.

The programme shall as far as possible comprise teaching in environmental problem complexes and in the interaction between different cultures.

Within the framework of the education orders, the individual institutions are to lay down more detailed provisions about the programme in a curriculum. The curriculum must among other things contain a description of teaching and working methods, as well as an indication of the extent to which joint teaching is organised.

Medium-cycle higher education

The programme typically constitutes an interaction between theory and practice and is organised in a combination of different forms of learning, including for instance case studies, lectures and exercises, problem-oriented project work and practical training.

Long-cycle higher education

See the first part of section concerning the responsibilities of the Study Director and the Study Board and the last part concerning the PhD-programme.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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