11 - Estonia - Curriculum
Uniform requirements for higher education curricula are established. These concern the standard period of study, the requirements for the teaching staff, the conditions for the commencement of studies and the conditions for the completion of studies. In case of
professional higher education, also the relation between theoretical
instruction and practical training is established. In case of all
curricula, the requirement exists that:
- the contents
of subjects determined in the curriculum must differ from the contents
of subjects determined in another curriculum of the same educational
institution at least by one third of the total volume with regard to
both the same level and all levels of higher education;
- at
least 50 per cent of the study volume determined in the curriculum
shall be taught by the members of the teaching staff who work with a
work load of at least 51 per cent in this educational institution or in
an educational institution that has entered into a contract between
curricula or educational institutions;
- the volume of auditory work shall constitute not more than 50 per cent of the volume of the subject.
are completed by taking an examination or defending a final research
paper at all levels of higher education with the exception of Doctoral
study that is completed with the defence of a Doctoral thesis.
contents of specific curricula are not governed by uniform
requirements, the educational institutions are free to prepare
curricula and courses within the general requirements.
requirements for teaching staff include requirements for the number of
members of teaching staff with a qualification corresponding to a
curriculum with regard to the volume of subjects prescribed by the
curriculum and it varies according to levels of study.
A student with no command of Estonian shall be provided an opportunity
to learn Estonian profoundly during one academic year and, therefore,
the standard period of his or her studies is prolonged by one year. The
national language studies of the students at places created on the
basis of state-commissioned education shall be financed from the
resources provided in the state budget for state-commissioned education.
1 September 2007, the learning outcomes of higher education levels
established by the Higher Education Standard came into effect; the
learning outcomes must since academic year 2009/2010 be the basis for
renewing of curricula and implementation of learning-outcome-based
curricula. A graduate of the first level of higher education must,
among other things, be able to explain orally and in writing issues
related to his or her professional field in at least one foreign
language and to participate in discussions. Increasing fluency in a
foreign language relevant to the respective professional field is also
stipulated with regard to acquisition of Master’s and Doctoral level
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009