03 - Finland - Specific legislative framework
The Universities Act (645/1997) and Decree (115/1998) include provisions on the mission of the
universities, research and instruction, organisation and administration, staff and official language,
students, appeals against university decisions and students’ legal protection.
University legislation has been amended and the new legislation came into force 1 August 2005. The
changes include establishing a two-cycle degree structure, clarification regarding the responsibilities
and functions of the universities and developing university administration.
Legislation on higher education degrees comprises the Decree on the System of Higher Education
Degrees (464/1998) and the Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004). This decree
stipulates, for example, the objectives and scope of university degrees, their general structure and
content, as well as the distribution of educational responsibility between different universities. The
degree renewal will be carried out during the 3-5 year transition period (depending on the field of
education) during which degrees in accordance with both the old and the new system can be
Statutes governing Swedish-language higher education include the Act (1354/1990) and Decree
(1287/1991) on the Co-ordination of Swedish-language Higher Education. Statutes applicable to staff
include the Decree on the Qualifications and Duties pertaining to University Posts (309/1993) as well
as the Act (856/1991) and Decree (1581/1991) on Filling the Vacancies of Professor and Associate
Professor at an Institution of Higher Education.
In addition, there are statutes concerning fees and charges and statutes on the international
recognition of degrees and the qualifications for posts provided by degrees. Financial aid for university
students is governed by the Act (65/1994) and Decree (260/1994) on Financial Aid for Students.
Legislation that governs polytechnics is the Polytechnics Act (351/2003) and Polytechnics Decree
(351/2003), which came into force August 2003. The Decree on the System of Higher Education
Degrees also covers polytechnic degrees. The Ministry of Education confirms the degree programmes.
The law on the trial polytechnic postgraduate degrees was confirmed 13 July 2001 and it came to force
1 January 2002 (L 645/2001). Since August 2005, the postgraduate degrees have been based on
permanent legislation.
The National Defence College
University level degrees may also be completed at the National Defence College run by the Defence
Staff. The National Defence College Decree (668/1992) includes provisions, for example, on its
administration and organisation, degrees, teachers and students. The Decree is based on legislation
governing the Defence Forces.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009