15 - France - Certification

country: France

Licence and master’s degree programmes, as well as intermediary degrees, are issued by universities and occasionally by other public scientific, cultural and professional institutions (EPCSCP) accredited for this purpose by the Ministry of Higher Education.

The ability to issue degrees is granted and renewed by the Ministry of Higher Education after review of an application presented by the establishment in question, which is evaluated by a scientific and technical panel of experts and examined by a educational board of review for institutional projects (CEPPE), or by a national commission, after the national council of higher education and research presents its opinion.

The national qualifications awarded during studies leading to the licencetitle are as follows:
  • law capacité;
  • university diploma in scientific and technical studies (DEUST);
  • general university studies diploma (DEUG, awarded after the completion of a 2-year cycle);
  • university diploma in technology (DUT);
  • national diploma in specialised technology (DNTS);
  • general university studies diploma awarded by vocational university institutes;
  • licence;
  • vocational licence;
  • licence awarded by vocational university institutes.
The following qualifications awarded during studies leading to the master’stitle are as follows:
  • maîtrise;
  • maîtrise in sciences and techniques;
  • maîtrise in management sciences;
  • maîtrise in computer methods applied to management;
  • maîtrise awarded by vocational university institutes;
  • master’s degree (vocational and research);
  • post-master’s degree in advanced specialised studies (DESS);
  • research-oriented advanced degree (DEA);
  • technological research degree (DRT);
  • national oenology degree.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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