10 - Greece - Branches of study, specialisation

Pursuant to the system established by Law 2525/1997, as amended, supplemented and currently in force, the Faculties and Departments of Universities, Technological Education Institutes (including the University of Cyprus, the Academy of Police Officers as well as the military and other schools falling under the system) are grouped into five areas of similar fields of knowledge:

FIELD 1: Humanities, Law and Social Sciences, including theoretical faculties such as literature, law, sociology, art schools, etc (duration of studies: 4 or 5 years).

FIELD 2: Science, including faculties of mathematics, physics, chemistry, etc (duration of studies: 4 years).
FIELD 3: Health Sciences, which include medical, dental, pharmaceutical etc. schools (duration of studies 4, 5 or 6 years).
FIELD 4: Technological Sciences, which include architecture, polytechnic etc. schools (duration of studies 4 or 5 years).

FIELD 5: Sciences of Economy and Administration, including economic, financial schools, etc (duration of studies 4 years)

The curriculum of each department (University, Technological Education Institute, Higher School for Teachers of Technological Education) corresponds to a field of knowledge related to science and/or profession and leads to a single degree. However, following recommendation of the General Assembly of a Department, Directions or Specialisations of the single degree granted by the Department concerned may be determined.

As regards the curriculum, branches and specialisation of studies in Higher Schools, these are governed by the legislative frameworks of the Ministries supervising them.

Hellenic Open University (EAP)

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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