16 - Greece - Educational/vocational guidance, education/employment links
Higher Education institutions provide information services and assist their students in issues related to
their studies and employment. Please refer to the respective subdivisions for more information per
Concurrently, in the context of reformation of undergraduate study programmes, the Operational
Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (EPEAEK-II) finances, in the context of CSF
III, actions that support educational task with the Institutes creating a “central unit, at Faculty level, that
will support educational task”. This unit will be competent, among others: This unit has the following
indicative responsibilities:
- to study/ explore the new nature of educational methodology and procedure pursuant to
international experience and the needs of society and the labour market;
- to develop methods and practices per speciality in order to create a system for the
determination, implementation and constant assessment of the evaluation indexes of studies
- to produce, standardise, distribute on the Internet and take advantage of the electronic
educational and teaching aids;
- to support the teaching faculty in undertaking educational initiatives; and
to publish at Institute level the experience/ innovation of departments having reached a leadingedge
stage of information technology.
Educational/Vocational Guidance, Education/Employment Links in
Higher Technological Education
Each department of a Technological Education Institute (TEI) appoints members of the Teaching
Faculty (ΕΠ/EP) who will guide students in the elaboration of their individual curricula. In addition to the
teaching faculty, who exercise the main teaching and research work, special associates of various
specialities may be part of the teaching faculty of TEI. These associates convey their know-how and
practical experience to students, thus contributing to a more efficient and effective vocational
At the same time, Career Offices have been established at most Technological Education Institutes.
Their purpose is, on the one hand, to ensure closer co-operation between institutions and businesses
so that the actual needs of the economy and the labour market are taken into account, to the degree
possible, in the educational process and, on the other hand, to facilitate the placement of graduates
from these institutions in appropriate positions in enterprises.
Also, TEI students’ compulsory apprenticeship in the workplace has a beneficial effect in the direction
of their finding permanent jobs after graduation.
Educational/Vocational Guidance, Education/Employment Links in
Higher University Education
In every University, by decision of the Rector, there is a service responsible for providing students with
information about their studies, with assistance in finding work, vocational counselling, advice on
becoming established professionally, and for granting social assistance to those who need it. In
particular, based on the new framework-law on higher education, it is provided that in each university
department, the creation and operation of a student support service aiming to provide consulting
services to them for their smooth transition from the secondary to the tertiary education, the support of
students with disabilities or students facing difficulties and for the successful completion of their
studies. At the same time, following a decision of the General Assembly of each department, DEP or
EP members will be assigned with consulting duties by rotation. The consultants’ work is to provide
guidance and advice to students for their progress and the successful completion of their studies.
Many university departments have provided and put into practice an on-the-job-training programme of
students --in co-operation with public bodies, research centres and institutes, and private institutes—in
order to help students apply their scientific knowledge in relevant workplaces and attain a more
efficient vocational orientation, according to their personal wishes and the current absorption
capabilities offered by the labour market.
In addition to the foregoing, universities take special steps to facilitate studies, especially of working
students. To this effect, there are special provisions regulating the compulsory granting of leaves to
working students during examinations.
Educational/Vocational Guidance, Education/Employment Links in
Postgraduate Study Programmes
As regards each postgraduate student attending a first-level Postgraduate Study Programme
(ΠΜΣ/PMS), which leads to the acquisition of a Postgraduate Specialisation Degree (ΜΔΕ/MDE), the
Special General Assembly of the Department appoints a supervisor from among the Teaching and
Research Faculty (ΔΕΠ/DEP) to whom postgraduate duties have been assigned in the context of the
specific programme. The said supervisor will be responsible for monitoring and checking the
postgraduate student’s progress.
As regards second-level postgraduate studies, leading to the granting of a Doctoral Degree (ΔΔ/DD),
the Special General Assembly appoints a three-member advisory committee (comprising two members
and the main supervisor). This committee is responsible for guiding and supervising the doctoral
candidate and for certifying the successful completion of the educational, research and, in general,
scientific work pursuant to the stipulations of the internal regulation of the ΠΜΣ/PMS in question.
In this context, the quality of apprenticeship, of postgraduate students in Greek or foreign laboratories
is enhanced. Moreover, old and new ΠΜΣ/PMS are being reinforced, whose performances and
prospects as well as the relevance of their field of knowledge with the key priorities of the country and
CSF III predetermine their international success and sustainability. In addition, publicity actions are
promoted so as to attract eventual postgraduate students from public or private enterprises.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009