08 - Hungary - Financial support for students

Support to students of institutions of tertiary education is regulated by the Act on Higher Education, a government decree on fees payable by and support payable to students, and the government decree on doctoral training.

The annual Budget Act determines normative support that the institutions of tertiary education receive on the basis of the number of their students. Furthermore, there is funding available on application, and grants provided by various sponsors.

Per capita funding to students

The per capita funding to students presently equals 116,500 HUF. Participants in doctoral training receive 1,092,600 HUF/person/year.

Further financial and in-kind allowance to students includes support that may be granted to purchase, and produce textbooks (9,320 HUF/person/year), and to support dormitory placement that is not maintained by the higher education institution a normative per capita fund HUF 116,500 may be issued to students. The support for purchasing and producing textbooks and financing sports and cultural activities is 11 650 HUF/person/year, the dormitory (kollégium) support is 116 500 HUF/person/year, while the housing benefit is 60,000HUF/person/year.

Support that may be granted to students is regulated by the institution of tertiary education taking into account the limits set in the government decree.

Students may claim students’ allowances based on their academic achievement, and their social status following application.

The institution’s budget for students’ support channelled by the annual budget may be used for scholarship determined on the basis of academic achievement, scholarship for outstanding professional, scientific, and public-life related achievement on top of curricular requirements, for regular and extraordinary social support based on students’ social status, cash support for renting a flat, to purchase course books, study accessories, or to cover study costs related to work experience.

Students participating in state- funded training may apply for placement in a kollégium. When awarding the regular social support and the flat-rental support, account is taken of persons living in the same household with the applicant, the earnings status of persons in the same household, and the distance between the location of the training and the applicant’s residence.

Between 2000 and 2004 there were 35.000 milliard HUF worth of investments realised in higher education. Due to the increased number of students, the institutions try to increase the number of student hostel places by inviting private investors. The infrastructural development plan is due to start in 2004.

The dormitory kollégium built by private investment is operated by the investor according to a contract signed by the higher education institution, and therefore he may apply for the state support provided for accommodation of state funded students from 2006.

The state ensures a student card to students that entitle them to travel-discounts and reduced prices in certain shops. The card is handed out through the various institutions of tertiary education. The Minister of Education and Culture awards the Fellowship granted by the Republic( köztársasági ösztöndíj)to students after two terms of outstanding academic/professional achievement, working with unique success in the scientific students’ circle. That grant equals a total of 335,000 HUF/person, and is paid for the duration of one academic year.

In every tax year up to 30% but no more than 60,000 HUF of the tax stated per student may be re-claimed during studies in tertiary education.

It has been allowed to institutions of tertiary education since 1998 to apply for funding after students with disabilities. The condition to disbursing the supplementary support is the appointment of a person responsible for these persons at institutional level (so-called coordinator).

Support to students physically handicapped and/or with auditory, visual or other impairment was converted into per-capita support in 2000, and amounts to 110,000 HUF/person/year.

In 2002-2003 the Ministry of Education ( Oktatási Minisztérium) created a separate budget to facilitate the studies of physically handicapped students. Funds from that budget are available though application, and are to be used to remove obstacles to access to buildings, requiring only 30% of the institution’s own budget.

Institutions of tertiary education are granted 2,330 HUF after each student to improve their quality of life and contribute to their physical education. At least 50% of that sum must be spent on supporting some sports activity, and no more than 50% must be spent on supporting a cultural project as specified in the decree.

Studies of students living beyond the borders but coming to Hungary to study are regulated in a government decree. It provides that students studying in tertiary education on Hungarian state scholarship in Hungary may do so at conditions identical to those of Hungarian students. The number of available scholarships depends on the level of resources approved in the Budget Act for that purpose.

Responding to the needs of professional organisations beyond the country’s borders, while the total tertiary education budget decreases, there is a growing rate of support by the state for partial programmes, teacher further training at university summer courses, and doctoral course participation.

According to the Act on Higher Education, someone with right to free movement, with residence permit, and the citizens of countries where Hungarian students can participate in tertiary education in terms of reciprocity, during their studies in Hungary, in state-financed education they are only entitled for social or other types of grants, or housing benefit if it is justified by an international contract, legislation, work plan or the principle of reciprocity.

Applications, scholarships to support students

The government decided to introduce the student loan. From the autumn of 2001 repayable support has been available under the student loan arrangement for the duration of the studies in tertiary vocational training. The largest sum available was 21,000 HUF/month, raised to 25,000 HUF in May 2002. Repayment of the student loan is by variable interest regulated by decree. The sum available from 2006 is HUF 30,000 that can also be used for studies completed abroad. The age of creditability has been raised to 40.

In an attempt to mitigate social unevenness, the Ministry of Education ( Oktatási Minisztérium) launched, jointly with local and county local governments, the local governmental scholarship called Bursa Hungarica, unique in Europe, to support socially disadvantaged students or candidates.

Support from the Foundation " A chance to learn"( Esély a Tanulásra Közalapítvány) plays an important role in granting a chance to those who need it. It is available twice a year to those in deprivation or suffering from a disability who are or would like to study in tertiary education, and who could not afford doing so without support from that source. The funding was 200 million HUF in both 1997 and 1998, and in 1999 it was raised to 400 million HUF annually. Apart from the social component, academic achievement is also taken into account. The foundation ceased to exist in 2006, because of the new plan in talent development.

In 1998 the government established a scholarship to encourage students in tertiary education to learn about the EU’s internal mechanisms, and acquire related legal, economic and administrative knowledge. The monthly sum of the scholarship equals 50,000 HUF.

International cooperation programmes are a way of encouraging student mobility.

The Erasmus programme is a part of the Lifelong Learning Programme from 2007. It intends to support the establishment of the European Higher Education Area, also the co-operation and strengthening of tertiary education to the process of innovation. Among the objectives of the programme there is the idea to increase the number of international projects, and strengthen the co-operation of tertiary institutions and enterprises and the mobility of European students and lecturers.

The Erasmus programme in 2006/2007 is proved to be a success as it caters for 3 028 students for partial-courses for an average of 5.18 months per person to one of the institutions of tertiary education of an EU member country. Average scholarship was 299.75 EUR/month. The most popular target countries are Germany, France and Italy. The most popular areas of study are business and management, languages, philology and social sciences.

Most project applications under the Leonardo programme, supporting practical vocational training, are in the field of agriculture, economics and technical sciences. Average duration of scholarships is 16 months. Number of students travelling was 144 in 2004.

The objective in CEEPUS is to enable the tertiary institutions of participating countries to organise teacher and student exchange, language and other professional courses, and participation in summer universities in order to strengthen the professional relations in the Middle-European region. The number who travelled abroad was 400 (218 students and 182 teachers) in 2006, the number of those who arrived in Hungary was 369 (233 students and 136 teachers). The average duration of scholarship was 2.1 months and concerning students who came into Hungary 1.8 months. In the academic year of 2006/2007 the main target country of the Hungarian students was Austria, but Romania, Slovakia and Poland were also favoured. Most students came from Romania, followed by, in decreasing order, Slovakia, the Check Republic, Poland and Austria. Hungarian students mostly chose Humanities, business and management, Natural Sciences (Chemistry, Biology), agriculture and food science, technical and IT areas as their areas of study.

As tertiary education becomes a mass phenomenon, the outstanding workshops of talents management and scientific student circles become increasingly important, doctoral schools at universities ( egyetem), which need to be strengthened and further developed to safeguard the training of professionals in the future. That, at the same time, promotes the replacement of teachers and researchers. The Ministry of Education and Culture regularly publishes calls for applications to support that initiative.

In tertiary education a major infrastructure modernization, student hostel extension, dormitory reconstruction, extension and modernization of educational facilities took place through the involvement of PPP (Public Private Partnership), to improve the competitiveness of tertiary institutions in the educational and cultural market.



Esély a tanulásra Közalapítvány
1146 Budapest, Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21.
Tel.:(36 1) 343-4800/323, 326
Fax:(36 1) 343-0372
E-mail: titkar@esely.huninet.hu
Website:  http://www.prof.iif.hu/esely


Oktatási és Kulturális Minisztérium
1055 Budapest, Szalay u. 10-14.
Tel.:(36 1) 473-7000
Website: http://www.okm.gov.hu

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Date: 2009
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