18 - Hungary - Organisational variations, alternative structures

In addition to full-time training, Hungarian institutions of tertiary education may also launch part-time training.

There is a single institution of tertiary education that provides training mostly in the form of distance teaching. The Gábor Dénes főiskolafőiskola works in a national network, but in a uniform structure, operating 50 points of consultation in Hungary and in areas of Hungarian population in neighbouring countries.

Training of students in distance learning may be longer than what is determined in the qualification criteria.

However, the operation of the institution may not be regarded an institutional form of alternative structure. It operates in all respects in line with the provisions of the Act on Higher Education.

There are no institutions in Hungary that pursue tertiary level education other than those determined in the Act on Higher Education.


Gábor Dénes Főiskola
1037 Budapest, Bécsi út 324.
Tel.:(36 1) 436-6500
E-mail: kovax@lsi.gdf-ri.hu

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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