11 - Iceland - Curriculum

country: Iceland

Higher education institution that come under the Higher Education Act no. 63/2006 shall define learning outcomes for each study programme. The higher education institutions’ definition shall be a specialised description relevant to the study programmes offered. The higher education institutions should preferably demonstrate in which way the objectives of the definition are attained by each course or each study level, i.e. by defining their learning outcomes.

Higher education institutions shall specify, in their Diploma Supplements, to which cycle and level each study programme belongs to, according to National Qualification Framework for Iceland.

Higher education institutions have a significant degree of academic freedom and autonomy; as a result the institutions largely determine the nature and structure of their educational curricula and courses. Higher education institutions vary in terms of their course offerings. The University of Iceland offers a variety of degree courses of different types and levels in a wide range of subjects. Other institutions are more specialised.

Specialisation in a subject begins right at the start of higher education studies, i.e. higher education studies do not include a general studies component. This general background knowledge is obtained in upper secondary schools.

Icelandic is the language of instruction in higher education institutions. However, in recent years some institutions have started to offer courses in English. Textbooks are in many cases in English or another foreign language (mostly Scandinavian languages).


University of Iceland

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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