13 - Iceland - Student assessment

Student assessment at the higher education level is generally based on written, oral or practical examinations, semester papers and assignments carried out throughout the whole course of study.

Teachers are responsible for assessment, but each department provides the overall organisation of the examinations within the regulatory framework of the institution. In some cases there are external examiners. Examinations are generally held at the end of each semester. Degrees are only awarded after students have written a final dissertation or completed a research project.

At oral examinations an external examiner is often present, but written examinations are marked by the teacher in question. Teachers are required to explain the basis of their assessment to students upon Grade Classification

9.0 - 10 Distinction (Honours)
7.25 – 8.99 First Class
6.0 – 7.24 Second Class
5.0 – 5.99 Third Class
< 5 request.

Students who fail an examination can request that the head of the respective department appoint an external examiner to review his or her examination.

At the University of Iceland competitive examinations are held in the Faculties of Nursing and of Odontology at the end of the first semester. The number of students allowed to continue after this examination is limited. Students who pass examinations in all subjects of the first semester of the first year are ranked, and the students with the highest grades go on to the second semester. Competitive examinations are also held in the Department of Nursing at the University of Akureyri. For all competitive examinations the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture appoints an external examiner for a three-year term on the recommendation of the educational institution.

As a general rule grades are awarded on a scale of 0-10, where the passing grades are 5 and above, or by the assessment pass/fail. Course grades are usually given in increments of 0.5, and averages computed to two decimal places.

University of Iceland
The University of Akureyri
The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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