16 - Iceland - Educational/vocational guidance, education/employment links

Student counselling centres are operated at most higher education institutions. Counselling centres provide courses and counselling for students regarding the choice of programmes, the organisation of their studies, career opportunities, as well as personal problems. Some higher education institutions offer preparation courses e.g. in mathematics before student start their higher education.

Permanent faculty members have regular office hours for students and are available during those hours to give educational advice. No set rules apply for the educational counselling provided by teachers or regarding the referral of students to other counselling parties. All foreign exchange students in Iceland may use the support services offered by the Office of International Education.

In the professional disciplines, students are required to gain practical experience in their field of study. A part of this experience is frequently achieved through employment, and the respective higher education institution often serves as the mediator for the placement of students for practical training. Research institutions at the higher education institutions hire students to work on research projects that have been negotiated with state and private agencies. At the University of Iceland students also run a company that does contractual work for outside agencies where students are hired to work on projects related to their field of study. The Icelandic Students' Union at the University of Iceland also runs a placement service for students for summer work, where an effort is made to place students with employers in their field. Thus relations with possible future employers are cultivated.

Faculty members, companies or entrepreneurs can apply to an Innovation Fund, established by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, to hire students to work on defined projects. The Fund Institution Separate law Charge tuition fees Funding formula pays the student salaries, while the company or the supervisor for the project provides workspace and materials. This gives students the opportunity to gain practical experience that may open future job opportunities and promotes innovation.

University of Iceland
The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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