03 - Italy - Specific legislative framework

The general principles that regulate higher education are established by the Constitution of the Italian Republic. It establishes that 'art and science are free and the teaching of them is free'; in defence of academic liberty, the Constitution also declares that 'the institutions of high level culture, universities and academies, have the right to organise themselves autonomously as they see fit, within the limits established by the law of the country'. Furthermore, the right to higher education is defined by the Constitution as follows: able and deserving students, even though lacking in means, have the right to achieve the highest educational levels. The Italian Republic fulfils this right through scholarships, family allowances and other benefits, assigned through competitions.

Non-university tertiary education

Regulations on the Afam reform are the following:
Law of 21 December 1999, no. 508: it sets up the new sector of art and music higher education;
Decree of the President of the Republic of 28 February 2003, no. 132: it establishes the statutory as well as regulations and organisation autonomy of art and music institutions;
Decree of the President of the Republic of 8 July 2005, no. 212: it defines the new academic titles and teaching regulations; Afam institutions can set up study courses structured in three cycles; the first one foresees three-year courses; the second one two-year courses; the third one is dedicated to research training;

University tertiary education

The main stages of the reform process of the university system were:
Law no. 168 of 9 May 1989: it instituted the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research (MURST) to enlarge organisational, didactic and financial autonomy of Universities;
Law no. 341 of 19 November 1990: it reformed the university teaching structure (it introduced, among the university titles, the Diploma universitario);
Law no. 390 of 2 December 1991: it systematically regulated the delicate subject of the right to university studies; rules related to the planning of the university system, which foresee the decongestion of overcrowded universities to increase teaching quality and, consequently, improve teaching offered to students;
Law no. 127 of 15 May 1997: it ascribes to the Ministry the power to regulate the new organisation of titles and of the related university teaching structure through one or more decrees; these decrees are issued upon advice of technical bodies representing the university sector (like CUN, CRUI and CNSU, see, and political bodies (like the competent parliamentary committees);
Regulation of 3 November 1999, no. 509 on university autonomy, for the implementation of Law 127/1997: it establishes provisions concerning general criteria of the university study system; it determines the types of qualification issued by the university; it ascribes to the universities the responsibility to issue the didactical organisation of its study courses, in order to implement the full educational autonomy in the respect of the procedures foreseen by law and by the universities statutes. The above mentioned regulations implement article 33 of the Italian Constitution for what concerns the right of the universities to determine their autonomous teaching structures within the limits established by the State laws.

The most relevant regulations issued after 2001 are the following:
Decree of 5 August 2004: it provides for the university system planning for the three-year period 2004/06 and the financing of the following new interventions: database of educational offer, national register of students, decongestion of overcrowded universities, institution of new on-line universities, creation of industrial liason office, scientific lauree project, doctorate schools, higher schools and high level education, internationalisation;
Regulation of 22 October 2004, no. 270; it amends some rules of the 1999 reform and introduces what follows: new characterisation of the three-year laurea course; new name laurea magistrale of the foregoing laurea specialistica; classes revision; more autonomy and flexibility of universities in defining the curricular contents;
Law of 4 November 2005, no. 23; it reorganises university teaching as follows: teaching qualification established through national competitions; introduction of the new professional figure of the associated professor ('professore aggregato'); more opportunities for external contract teachers; introduction of new, non renewable fixed-term contracts.
Legislative decree of 17 October 2005, no. 227: it establishes new regulations for the training of primary and secondary school teachers,
Legislative decree of 6 April 2006, no. 164, on the recruitment of university teachers;
Law of 27 December 2006, no. 296, on the constitution of one only national agency for the evaluation of the university system and research, ANVUR; this new agency replaces two committees; the CNVSU for the university system and the CIVR for research; the new agency will carry out tasks related to external evaluation of the quality of the activities of the universities and public or private research institutes which are financed through public funds; it will also carry out guidance, coordination and supervision activities of internal evaluation of universities and research institutes, of evaluation of the efficiency and efficacy of the financing and promotion state programmes for research and innovation activities;
Decree of 16 March 2007, establishing the new classes of the laurea (L) aand of the laurea magistrale;
Ministerial Decree no. 544 of 31 October 2007, defining the essential requirements of courses of laurea (L) and laurea magistrale ;
Law no. 165 of 27 September 2007, which delegates to the Government the legislative power on the reorganization of the research institutions.

In addition, as for the university and research sectors, the recruitment of young researchers has been provided and, at the same time, new financial resources have been allocated, in particular through the Fund for scientific and technological research. Through the financial law for the year 2008, 400 million euros have been added for the university and research sectors, distributed by merit.

In 2008, in order to improve the quality of teaching and research and to reward, also financially, those universities that achieve high-quality results, the National Agency for the evaluation of the university and research system has been established, with the aim of making the evaluation procedures stricter. For the same reasons, the Government has also stopped the proliferating of small universities with poor financial resources and structures and that, therefore, are not able to guarantee an adequate level of education.

Postgraduate level

The research Doctorate is regulated according to the following provisions: section 4 of law no. 210 of 3 July 1998, for the definition of the fundamental objectives and general criteria, from courses setting up and organisation, to candidates' selection and scholarship assignments;
Ministerial decree no. 224 of 30 April 1999, for the suitability of university seats to set up Doctorate courses, according to Ministerial decree no. 117 of 23 March 2000 for the implementation of law 210/1998;
Regulations no. 509 of 3 November 1999, which establishes that the laurea specialistica is the qualification required to be admitted to the Doctorate courses (6.6.3.); furthermore, it defines the procedures for the acknowledgement of foreign qualifications for the admission to research Doctorate courses;
Provisions on Doctorates included in the already mentioned sections of Regulation 509/1999 have been confirmed through Ministerial Decree no. 270 of 22 October 2004 which confers to the single universities the responsibility for starting up Doctorate courses.
C ourses leading to a second level Diploma di specializzazione are regulated by Ministerial decrees 509/1999 and 270/2004; courses can be started up exclusively according to specific national regulations or European Union directives; however, specialized university education is offered by laurea specialistica courses Master universitario courses (first and second level).


National Committee for the Evaluation of the University System
Conference of the Rectors of Italian Universities (CRUI)
National Council of University Students (CNSU)
National Universtiy Council (CUN)
Ministry of University and Research

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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