13 - Italy - Student assessment
Non-university tertiary education
As far as Afam institutions are concerned, teaching regulations establish the teaching
organisation, the procedures to carry out evaluation as well as the final examination for the
qualification attainment, the methods of evaluation for the students' progress, which must be
expressed through votes in 30ths for examinations and in 110ths for the final test, with the possibility of
awarding the summa cum laude.
University tertiary education
Procedures and methods for students' assessment are laid down in the teaching regulations of each
University with the requirement to express grades calculated on a scale of 0 - 30 (the
minimum grade is 18) for the examinations and on a scale of 0 – 110 (minimum grade is 66), with the
possibility of awarding ‘summa cum laude’, for both of them (30 cum laude; 110 cum laude).
With the introduction of the credits system ( CFU), students must obtain 180 credits including
those relating to the knowledge of a language of the European Union compulsory to achieve the
laurea (L); they dispute a written report on the activities carried out during the internship and/or
laboratory work in front of the examination committee, according to the university statute.
To obtain a laurea magistrale, students must obtain additional 120 CFU and dispute a written text in
front of the examination committee, as foreseen by the university statute. According to law, the text
should be developed by the students under a teacher's supervision.
Postgraduate level
Assessment methods and procedures for the Doctorate courses are established by each
university regulations. Generally, at the end of their studies, students present their doctorate thesis
which is assessed by a teachers’ assembly composed of experts for the subject concerned.
Assessment methods and procedures for the second-level Diploma di specializzazione and secondlevel
Master universitario courses are established by each university regulations.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009