17 - Italy - Private education
There are three kinds of institutions at this level of education:
institutes for linguistic mediators training universities and other higher education institutions. As far as the latter kind of institution is
concerned, Law no. 243 of 1991 acknowledges the fact that private universities, legally
recognised, set up by private individuals who have provided them with the necessary financial
means for their operation and by local bodies, associations or foundations who provide these
institutes with the necessary resources, have existed in Italy for a long time. Law of 29 July
1991, no. 243, establishes that non state universities operate according to article 33 of the Italian
Constitutions, as well as the relevant legislation on university; they can obtain financial
contributions from the state according to the number of students enrolled, study courses
activated, the number of teaching and technical-administrative staff and financial conditions, with
specific reference to incomes gained through fees and students’ contributions;
within the arts sector, there are several institutions managed by local bodies or purely private
subjects. These institutions issue non-legally recognised certifications, and therefore they do not
fall under the competences of the Ministry.
The institution of new universities and legally recognised non-state institutes of university education, as
well as the authorisation to award qualifications with legal value must be foreseen in the framework of
university development planning and procedures by Decree of the Minister who approves at the same
time statute and teaching regulations of each university (Presidential Decree no. 25 of 27 January
State universities have been granted a high level of autonomy as far as elections procedures,
composition and responsibilities of the various university bodies are concerned; however, regulation
autonomy granted to non-state universities, whose Statutes generally foresee the same bodies as
state universities (Rector, Administrative Director, Senato Accademico, etc.), is even wider.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009