07 - Liechtenstein - Registration and/or tuition fees

Regular tuition fees for a degree at the ( Hochschule) Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences are CHF 750 per term, at the ( Hochschule) Interstate University of Applied Sciences of Technology CHF 600 per term.


Liechtenstein University of Applied Sciences
Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse FL-9490 Vaduz
Tel.:+423 265 11 11
Fax:423 265 11 12
E-mail: info@hochschule.li
Website:  http://www.hochschule.li


Interstate University of Applied Sciences of Technology Buchs NTB
Werdenbergstr. 4 CH-9471 Buchs
Tel.:Tel.: +41 81 755 33 11
Fax:Fax: +41 81 756 54 34
E-mail: office@ntb.ch
Website:  http://www.ntb.ch/

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Date: 2009
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