04 - Lithuania - General Objectives
The goal of higher education is to develop education, science and culture receptive individuals and
society, to create, accumulate and disseminate knowledge and cultural values, to consolidate the
singularity of national culture. As a key precondition for the country’s spiritual and material wellbeing,
higher education, through the studies provided, research carried out or creative art, promotes the
development of new knowledge and cultural values.
The purpose of higher education is to assist an individual in the attainment of a higher education level
and acquisition of a respective qualification as well as in preparation for an active professional, social
and cultural life.
The activities of a higher education institution are based on the unity of science (art) and studies, on
academic freedom and autonomy, which are stipulated in the Law on higher education and other legal
acts as well as in the statutes of higher education establishments.
In performing their functions, state-run higher education establishments must:
Offer equal opportunities to all permanent residents of Lithuania to obtain higher education in
accordance with their abilities and knowledge;
Prepare specialists taking into consideration the needs of the State and the labour market;
Carry out periodical self-analysis of its main spheres of activities and improve them;
Provide information to the founders and the society at large about their activities, measures for
the assurance of study quality and the use of the funds;
Provide consultations to students regarding employment.
Persons who have completed, as a minimum, their secondary education are entitled, in accordance
with their abilities and knowledge, to seek higher education in Lithuania’s higher education institutions
under the procedure established by the Law on higher education.
The main objectives of the university are the following:
To create conditions for obtaining higher education based on scientific research which
corresponds to the contemporary level of culture, science and latest technologies, a qualification
and a degree.
To create conditions for life-long education, enhancement of the qualification obtained and retraining;
To train researchers and/or artists, strengthen the influence of science and education on the
progress of the economy, culture and the development of democratic civil society in Lithuania;
To develop education and culture receptive society, able to make effective use of scientific
achievements and compete in the market of high-level technologies, products and services;
To promote the development of separate regions and the whole country by fostering scientific,
educational, artistic and other cultural activities;
To promote scientific research necessary for the development of humanitarian, informational and
technological culture and international cooperation in the fields of science and economy.
The main objectives of the college Kolegija are the following:
to create conditions for a person to obtain higher education and professional qualification which
would meet the needs of Lithuanian economy and would be in keeping with the contemporary
level of science and technology;
to carry out applied research necessary for the development of the region, to provide
consultations to the representatives of local administrative bodies and economic entities;
to create conditions for continuous education, to assist economic entities in organizing
professional development and re-qualification of the employees;
to develop education and culture receptive society capable of acting under the conditions of
rapidly changing technologies.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009