18 - Lithuania - Organisational variations, alternative structures
Developing information society is an objective of the utmost strategic importance to Lithuania. The
infrastructure, adapted to the requirements of information society, the methods and means of work
must be continually enhanced and developed. Individual educational needs are best met by
individualized studies by correspondence with every possibility of availing oneself of all the modern
technological capabilities.
Even though proposals concerning the establishment of a virtual university are still at the stage of
discussion, computer technologies have been gaining increasing popularity in distance studies lately.
Higher education institutions and colleges have distance study centres and run distance study courses.
HEIs offer separate modules of distance studies and even Master’s degree programmes. (Kaunas
Technological University, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Vilnius University).
The main objectives of HEI distance study centres include: rendering assistance to the academic staff
in preparing distance study courses of various fields and branches (trainer training); accumulating
information on the response to distance studies’ market demand and the quality of provision; holding
seminars for distance education organizers and lecturers etc.
In 2001, the Minister of Education and Science approved the programme Information Technologies for
Science and Studies (2001–2006) (ITMiS). The programme consists of three parts, closely
related to each other: the Lithuanian Science and Study Information Systems (LieMSIS), the
Lithuanian Distance Learning Network (LieDM) and the Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network. The
objective of LieDM is to develop and coordinate a higher education and continuous learning system
based on information and telecommunication technologies. LieDM activities embrace: the strategic
development of the distance education system, distance education market and needs analysis,
development and provision of study modules and programmes delivered in a distance education
mode, creation and maintenance of interactive and virtual learning environment, development and
coordination of video conference network, development of audio and video teaching aids.
programme expedited the development of distance studies in the system of higher education. In
implementing it, the Ministry held annual competitions for the development of distance courses, during
which the best proposals of higher education institutions were selected and granted financing.
Kaunas University of Technology
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009