Netherlands - Introduction
Dutch higher education hoger onderwijscomprises higher professional education (HBO hoger
beroepsonderwijs middelbaar beroepsonderwijs) and university education (WO wetenschappelijk
onderwijs). These types of education are provided by HBO institutions ("hogescholen") and universities
Higher professional education
HBO institutions provide theoretical and practical training for occupations for which a higher vocational
qualification is either required or useful. Graduates find employment in various fields, including middle
and high-ranking jobs in trade and industry, social services, health care and the public sector.
University education
Universities combine academic research and teaching. University education focuses on training in
academic disciplines, the independent pursuit of scholarship and the application of scholarly
knowledge in the context of a profession and aims to improve understanding of the phenomena
studied in the various disciplines and generate new knowledge.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009