02 - Romania - Ongoing debates and future developments

The 'structural improvement of the higher education system' is considered to be the strategic priority of the development of higher education in the current stage of the education reform in Romania.

According to the 'Strategy for developing higher education in the period 2002-2010', this priority is addressed through the following major objectives:

To optimize the national higher education institutions network;
To consolidate the university autonomy in parallel with the improvement of the higher education system synergy;
To improve students and teaching staff performances;
To improve the infrastructure of the higher education system;
To ensure better correlation between higher education and the labour market;
To reorganise the teaching-learning process according to the priorities of the knowledge society and economy;
To stimulate the integration into the European area of higher education and enlarged international cooperation.

The system of quality assurance in higher education is under a developing process. The Ministry of Education, Research and Youth set up in 2005 the Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS) by the Government Ordinance 75/2005.


Ministry of Education, Research and Youth

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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