10 - Romania - Branches of study, specialisation

The reference domains and specialisations of study in higher education are established through a Government Decision. Current domains and specialisation are the followings:

1. Exact sciences: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Informatics;
2. Sciences of life and earth: Biology, Geography, Geology;
3. Humanistic sciences: Philosophy, Philology, History, Psychology, Sciences of education;
4. Theology: Theology;
5. Political and social sciences: Sociology, Social assistance, Political sciences, International relations, Administrative sciences, Communication sciences;
1. Juridical sciences: Law;
2. Economy sciences: Economy, Cybernetics and economy statistics, Finances, Accounting, International economy relations, Management, Marketing;
1. Agricultural, forestry and zoo-technical (livestock) sciences: Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Zoo-technology, Biotechnology;
2. Medical sciences: Medicine, Dental medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary medicine;
3. Architecture and urbanism: Architecture, Urbanism;
4. Arts: Fine and decorative arts, Music, Theatre, Cinematography and media;
5. Physical education and sport: Physical education and sport;
6. Engineering sciences: Technical geology, Mines, Oil and gases, Geodesy, Civil engineering,
7. Installations, Sapper engineering, Aero-spatial engineering, Naval and navigation engineering,
8. Mechanics engineering, Transportation engineering, Materials engineering, Industrial engineering, Wood engineering, Mecathronics, Systems and computers engineering, Electricity engineering, Energy engineering, Electronics engineering, Chemistry engineering, Textile and leather products engineering, Aliments engineering, Applied sciences, Economy engineering,
1. Environment engineering, Military engineering;
2. Military sciences.

DEA studies aim at enriching the knowledge in the field of the long-term higher education graduated. DEA studies take 2-3 semesters, are finalized by a dissertation and recognised through a DEA Diploma. Master-degree studies aims at extending competences into several fields of the long-term higher education specialisation graduated. Master-degree studies take 2-4 semesters, are finalized by a dissertation and recognised through a Diploma de Master. Academic post-university studies take 2-4 semesters and are carried on in post-university institutions of academic studies, organized by independent institutions in Romania or abroad. Their purpose is to extent and to improve the education and training provided in long-term higher education. Academic post-university studies are finalized by a dissertation and recognised through a Diploma of Academic Post-university Studies. For specialty post-university studies and in-service post-university training courses the duration and finalisation are established by the university senates.

According to the legislation, the doctoral studies are organised in fundamental domains of sciences and arts. In sciences the doctoral studies are organised in the following domains: exact sciences, natural sciences, humanistic sciences, social and political sciences, sciences of education, economy sciences, juridical sciences, agriculture and forestry sciences, medical sciences, architecture and urbanism, engineering sciences, theology and military sciences. In arts the doctoral studies are organised in the following domains: visual arts, music, theatre, cinematography, ballet and physical education and sport. Doctoral studies are finalised with a doctoral thesis and are recognised through a diploma de doctor.


Ministry of Education, Research and Youth

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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