14 - Romania - Progression of students
The organization of the higher education process using the transferable credit system has begun
during the 1998/1999 academic year. This mode of organization makes the use of an analytical
evaluation system of the time and effort necessary to carry on activities composing the education
process possible. Moreover, it has advantages both for the mode of organization and its management
and for its validation with the education process in other universities in Romania and abroad.
The total number of credits associated to a higher education programme is set and is of 180, 240, 300
or 360 credits – corresponding to duration of studies day courses respectively (one year more for
evening courses, part-time or distance education). Thus, a year of day course study is the equivalent
of an average of 60 credits. The maximum number of transferable credits in the ECTS (European
Credits Transfer System) is set by the council of each faculty. If a student follows a study period in
other higher education institutions (domestic and/or abroad), according to the regulations set by each
institution, the credits obtained will be recognized.
Within the university autonomy, each higher education institution establishes its own promotion
requirements, according to the general provisions of the law and the national standards for higher
education. Students are granted the possibility to try to pass the examination for a given subject three
times: regular examination, second examination and re-examination. If failing both regular and second
examination (the latter performed in a dedicated session), the student may be allowed to enrol in the
next year of study and sit the examination again, subject to the rector’s approval. Nevertheless, the
deadline for the third examination (the re-examination) is the first regular session of the next academic
year. If failing for the third time, the student has to attend once more all the teaching-learning activities
related to the respective subject.
Promotion from one year of study to the next one is subject to the overall performance of the students,
as assessed through the results of the examinations held in the given year of study. Students have to
pass a certain percentage of the total number of examinations of a given year of study before being
allowed to enrol for the next one. Students that do not accomplish the minimum percentage of passed
examinations established by the higher education institution are declared 'repeaters' and have to
repeat the corresponding year of study. However, professors may accept recognition of the
examinations previously passed with a certain minimum mark.
Student transfer requirements are regulated by the university senates of the higher education
institutions. Usually the transfer may take place at the beginning of the academic year (under
exceptional circumstances it may occur at the beginning of the second semester) and is allowed
between related reference domains/specialisations Branches of Study, Specialisation. The
transfer is a multiple step process, involving a series of formal approvals from the deans and the
rectors of the higher education institutions involved. The receiving higher education institution has to
issue a registration order for the new student, and to control if the credits are transferable.
Short-term higher education graduates holding a graduation diploma - diplomă de absolvire can
continue their studies in long-term higher education in the same or similar specialisations, based on
admission criteria established by the long-term higher education institutions. Credits transfer applies
according to the general and specific rules, and as a consequence enrolment may be accepted in the
third year of study of the long-term higher education programme of study.
Specifically regarding doctoral studies, students can advance in their education and training
programme if obtaining a minimum mark of 8.00 in examinations and a 'pass' qualification for the
research papers/creative works they have to undertake. Transfer from one domain to another within
doctoral studies is not accepted.
Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe
Date: 2009