16 - Romania - Educational/vocational guidance, education/employment links

In order to support educational and vocational guidance of the students and to facilitate their insertion on the extremely dynamic labour market of today’s Romania, in each higher education institution were established Departments for Career Advice and Employment Guidance at the beginning of the 1998. Keeping a close link with the labour market, the departments have the following attributions:

To provide full information on the study programmes offered by the respective higher education institution;
To offer career and employment advice;
To ensure guidance to students willing to chose or change their vocational career;
To encourage graduates to affiliate into graduates’ associations meant to support higher education institutions and students’ interests in the relationship with firms, cultural communities and administrative bodies, at local and national level as well;
To carry out prognosis studies on the labour market, and provide information about companies needing and recruiting qualified personnel trained in higher education institutions;
To provide counselling, and support for the vocational training of students by maintaining a close contact with economic units.

The departments can also involve specialised teaching staff, assistant deans, students’ associations and non-profit vocational organizations in their actions and activities. A director appointed by the university’s rector heads the department. In order to facilitate graduates’ employment the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth has to provide and publicly display in every higher education institution, information on vacancies, after been collecting them from the territorial offices of the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection.

The National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education and Partnership with Social-Economic Environment (ACPART) was established in 2005 in order to elaborate the National Qualification Framework and to support opening of the higher education institutions to the society and economy. ACPART is a public institution with legal personality subordinated to the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth. Its main mission is to promote and support cooperation between higher education institutions and economic agents in order to accomplish through specific partnerships:

Training and specialisation;
Technological transfer;
Organisation of business incubators and technological parks;
Labour market research;
Opening of the higher education institutions to the social-economic environment;
Facilitation of higher education graduates absorption into the labour market;
Development of the entrepreneurship dimension of higher education institutions.

The institutional framework was established to improve knowledge transfer from research to economy and to increase higher education institutions participation to the social-economic development (Ordinance of the Government 14/2002 approved and amended through Law 50/2003). This institutional framework consists of the scientific and technological parks – defined as a common area for education, research, technological transfer and economic activities. The scientific and technological parks are established based on a contract between an accredited higher education institution on one side and state or private enterprises, local public administration, employers or professional associations, Romanian or foreign investors, on the other side. The social-economic objectives pursued by the establishment of the scientific and technological parks are as follows:

Technological transfer from research to economic agents;
Establishment of specialists with high professional performances in research and higher education;
Training of the youth for research activity;
Absorption of private funds in education and research;
Market valorisation of the Romanian research results;
Employment in advance technologies area;
Stimulation of the innovative and technical-scientific potential of the teaching staff, researchers and students;
Orientation of the higher education institutions and research facilities towards the social and economic environment;
Insertion of students and graduates in the social-economic environment;
Stimulation of the higher education institutions and research facilities to identify new financing sources;
Stimulation of the economic agents towards active participation of the private sector to the development and valorisation of research and innovation;
Foreign companies investing in technological transfer activity;
Development of the scientific, technologic and economic potential at regional level.

The functioning authorisation of the scientific and technological parks is issued by the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth, based on the evaluation of the request submitted by the partners. In addition to these measures oriented towards supporting a better educational and vocational guidance of the students, in line with the social protection policy promoted by the Government, specific measures were taken in order to facilitate the rapid insertion of the higher education graduates in the labour market in the recent years.


1. National Agency for Qualifications in Higher Education and Partnership with the Social and Economic Environment

2. Ministry of Education, Research and Youth


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