04 - Portugal - General Objectives

As laid down in the Education Act, university education provides a solidly based scientific and cultural preparation and provides technical training to develop skills in professional and cultural work and also encourages the development of skills in idea forming, innovation and critical analysis.

The Education Act sees the objectives of higher education as:

1. Stimulating cultural creation and the development of a scientific and entrepreneurial mind as well as reflective thought;
2. Training graduates in the different areas of knowledge, prepared for professional sectors and for participation in the development of society and co-operating in ongoing training;
3. Encouraging scientific research and investigation with a view to developing science and technology, the humanities and arts and the creation and spread of culture, so as to develop the understanding of man and his environment;
4. Promoting the spread of cultural, scientific and technical knowledge, that constitutes the heritage of humanity, communicating know-how through teaching, publication and other forms of communication;
5. Stimulating the desire for constant cultural and professional perfection and making it possible to apply it, integrating the knowledge that is going to be acquired in a systemising intellectual knowledge structure of each generation, from the perspective of lifelong learning and generational and intergenerational investment, with a view to achieving the unity of the formative process;
6. Stimulating an understanding of the problems in today's world, from a global perspective, particularly national, regional and European problems, and providing specialised services to the community and in this way establishing a reciprocal relationship;
7. Promoting and valuing Portuguese language and culture;
8. Promoting a critical spirit and the freedom of expression and research.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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