05 - Slovakia - Types of institution

Types of Institutions - Higher Professional Education

The transformation of experimental fields to the study fields of higher professional study will lead in legislation to introduction of a new kind of postsecondary study, the so-called higher professional study. In this kind of study the secondary technical schools will provide the graduates with secondary education or secondary technical education completed by school-leaving examination the higher professional education but will not provide the higher education that in the light of higher education law may be provided by higher education institution only. At the same time, it will be possible to transform the verified experimental study fields of higher professional education to the bachelor study programmes of professional higher education institutions.

According to the Education Act No. 29/1984 of the Law Code, as amended, the higher professional education is carried on at the conservatoire, the school of applied art, the secondary health school, and at other SOŠ.

The conservatoire is a specific type of secondary school. As a rule, it takes six years to complete, in the field of dance eight years (including the upper secondary school). The conservatoires also prepare the students for the world of work and for higher education study.

Types of Higher Education Institutions

The Act No 131/2002 of the Law Code on higher education, as amended, distinguishes three types of higher education institutions: public higher education institutions (20), state higher education institutions (3), private higher education institutions (10) and amendment to the Act also allows establishment of foreign higher education institutions.

Public, state and private higher education institutions can provide Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degree study programs depending exclusively on the conditions of accreditation. The higher education institutions may admit the students only to the study in accredited study programs based on credit system. Foreign higher education institutions provide the study programmes according to regulations of countries of their origin.

The Bachelor study takes three to four years, Magister’s study and Engineer’s study takes at least one year and at most three years. Approximately 80 per cent of students pursue this kind of study. The Doctor’s study in medical and veterinary branches last six years with about eight per cent of students studying.

Higher education institutions are divided according to orientation of study programmes as follows:
  • Natural sciences and the humanities:
    • Comenius University in Bratislava – public HEI
    • Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice – public HEI
    • University of Prešov in Prešov - public HEI
    • University of Constantine Philosopher in Nitra – public HEI
    • Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica – public HEI
    • University of Trnava in Trnava- public HEI
    • University of St Cyril and St Methodius in Trnava – public HEI
    • Catholic University in Ružomberok - public HEI
    • Slovak Medical University in Bratislava – State HEI
    • St Elisabeth University of Healthcare and Social Work – private HEI
    • University of J. Selye in Komárno – public HEI
    • Bratislava School of Law – private HEI
  • Technical sciences:
    • Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava – public HEI
    • Technical University in Košice - public HEI
    • University of Žilina in Žilina - public HEI
    • A.Dubček University of Trenčin in Trenčín - public HEI
    • Technical University in Zvolen - public HEI
  • Agriculture and veterinary sciences:
    • University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice - public HEI
    • Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra - public HEI
  • Social sciences:
    • University of Economics in Bratislava - public HEI
    • College of Management in Trenčín – private HEI
    • University of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava – private HEI
    • University in Sládkovičovo – private HEI
    • International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov – private HEI
    • Central European College in Skalica – private HEI
    • Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom – private HEI
    • Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts – private HEI
  • Sciences on culture and art:
    • Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava – public HEI
    • Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava – public HEI
    • Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica – public HEI
  • Military and Security Sciences:
    • Military Academy of Slovak National Uprising in Liptovský Mikuláš – State HEI Police Academy in Bratislava – State HEI
    • University of Security Management in Košice – private HEI
The largest higher education institution is the Comenius University in Bratislava with about 28,000 students (academic year 2007/2008) and the smallest one is the Academy of Fine Arts in Banská Bystrica with about 400 students. The numbers do not include non-university types of education (courses, adult education, University of the Third Age, etc.). The largest university cities measured according to number of students are: Bratislava, Košice, Žilina, Banská Bystrica, Prešov and Nitra.

After 1989, other new forms of study designed primarily for "non-traditional" groups of students also started developing at the inception and operation of which a significant role is played by various foreign institutions.

On 1 November 1990 Academia Istropolitana, later on renamed to Academia Istropolitana Nova, was founded which offers the study for graduates of higher education institutions. The City University in Bratislava is successfully running. Based on an agreement with the Open University in the United Kingdom this University has introduced the form of distance education. Altogether, 5 city universities are operating in different regions of Slovakia. These the educational institutions, however, have not the status of a higher education institution.

Types of Higher Education Institutions - PhD Study

Higher education institutions and non-higher education institutions (external educational institutions) carry out PhD study in the study program in the appropriate study field according to Section 54 of Act No. 131/2002 of Law Code on Higher Education and on the Change and Supplement to Some Acts, as amended.

A non-higher education institution is a legal entity performing research and development on the territory of the Slovak Republic, which may participate in implementing PhD study in cooperation with a higher education institution, upon being granted the accreditation by the Ministry of Education on a contract base.

The PhD study is carried out in full-time or part-time form of study.



Academia Istropolitana
Karloveská 64, P.O.Box 92 840 02 Bratislava 42
Tel.:+421 2 64285069
Fax:+421 2 64285341
Website:   http://www.acadistr.sk/


Military Academy of M.R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš
Demänovská cesta, P.O.BOX 45 031 01 Liptovský MikuláŠ
Tel.:+ 421 960 423458
Fax:+ 421 960 423338
Website:  http://www.aoslm.sk/


Police Academy in Bratislava
Sklabinská 1 835 17 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 961 057267
Fax:+ 421 961 059054
Website:   http://www.minv.sk/


Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica
Ul. J. Kollára 22 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Tel.:+421 48 4145110
Fax:+421 48 4145109
Website:  http://www.aku.sk/


Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts
Grösslingova 53 811 09 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 2 59 234 311
Fax:+ 421 2 59 234 450
Website:  http://www.bisla.sk


University of Economics in Bratislava
Dolnozemská cesta 1 852 35 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 2 67295111
Fax:+421 2 62247348
Website:  http://www.euba.sk/


Bratislava School of Law
Tomášikova 20 821 02 Bratislava
Tel.:+421 2 48208803
Website:  http://www.uninova.sk/


The Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom
Sládkovičova 533/20 018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom
Tel.:+ 421 42 4424123
Fax:+421 42 4424123
Website:  http://www.dti.sk


Catholic University in Ružomberok
Nám. A. Hlinku 60 034 01 Ružomberok
Tel.:+ 42144 4316111
Fax:+ 421 44 4316207
Website:  http://ku.sk/


University of Prešov
Nám. legionárov 3 080 01 PreŠov
Tel.:+ 421 51 7563110
Fax:+ 421 51 7563147
Website:  http://www.unipo.sk/


Rector´s Comenius University
Šafárikovo nám. 6 818 06 Bratislava
Tel.:+421 2 59244111
Fax:+421 2 52963836
Website:  http://www.uniba.sk


Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 2 949 76 Nitra
Tel.:+ 421 37 6415111
Fax:+ 421 37 6511560
Website:  http://www.uniag.sk/


Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Vazovova 5 812 43 Bratislava 1
Tel.:+ 421 2 57294111
Fax:+ 421 2 57294537
Website:  http://www.stuba.sk


Central Europe College in Skalica
Kráľovská 386/11 909 01 Skalica
Tel.:+ 421 34 664 7061
Fax:+ 421 34 6647063
Website:  http://www.sevs.sk


Central Europe College in Skalica
Kráľovská 386/11 909 01 Skalica
Tel.:+ 421 34 664 7061
Fax:+ 421 34 6647063
Website:  http://www.sevs.sk


Technical University of Košice
Letná 9 042 00 KoŠice
Tel.:+ 421 55 6321111
Fax:+421 55 6332748
Website:  http://www.tuke.sk/


University of Technology in Zvolen
T. G. Masaryka 24 960 53 Zvolen
Tel.:+ 421 45 5209111
Fax:+ 421 45 5330027
Website:  http://www.tuzvo.sk/


University of A. Dubček in Trenčín
Študentská 2 911 50 Trenčín
Tel.:+ 421 32 7400101
Fax:+ 421 32 7400102
Website:  http://www.tnuni.sk/


University of Trnava
Hornopotočná 23 918 43 Trnava
Tel.:+ 421 33 5939 111
Fax:+ 421 33 5511 129
Website:  http://www.truni.sk/


University of J. Selye in Komárno
Roľníckej školy 1519 945 01 Komárno
Tel.:+421 35 7733073
Fax:+421 35 7733072
Website:  http://www.selyeuni.sk


University of Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra
Tr. A. Hlinku 1 949 74 Nitra
Tel.:+ 421 37 6408111
Fax:+ 421 37 6408020
Website:  http://www.ukf.sk/


Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica
Národná 12 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Tel.:+ 421 48 4461111
Fax:+421 48 4153180
Website:  http://www.umb.sk/


University of P.J. Šafárik in Košice
Šrobárova 2 041 80 Košice
Tel.:+421 55 6222608
Fax:+421 55 6228109
Website:  http://www.upjs.sk/


College of Safety Management in Košice
Kukučínova 17 040 01 Košice
Tel.:+ 421 55 7201071
Fax:+ 421 55 7201071
Website:  http://www.vsbm.sk


University of Economics and Management of Public Administration in Bratislava
Železničná 14 821 07 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 905 864459
Fax:+ 421 2 45524089
Website:  htp://www.vsemvs.sk


College of Management in Trenčín
Bezručova 64 911 01 Trenčín
Tel.:+421 32 6528174
Fax:+421 32 6529337
Website:   http://www.vsm.sk


International School of Management ISM Slovakia in Prešov
Duchnovičovo námestie č. 1 080 01 Prešov
Tel.:+421 51 7581797
Fax:+421 51 7581797
Website    http://ismpo.sk


Academy of Performing Arts
Ventúrska 3 813 01 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 2 54432172
Fax:+421 2 54430125
Website:   http://www.vsmu.sk/


University in Sládkovičovo
Fučíkova 269 925 21 Sládkovičovo
Tel.:+421 31 7881711
Fax:+421 31 7881710
Website:  http://www.vssladkovicovo.sk/


Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Hviezdoslavovo nám. 18 814 37 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 2 54432431
Fax:+421 2 54432340
Website:  http://www.vsvu.sk/


College of Health Service and Social Work of St. Elisabeth
Palackého 1, P.O.BOX 104 810 00 Bratislava
Tel.:+ 421 2 54640752
Fax:+ 421 2 54640752
Website:   http://www.vssvalzbety.sk/


University of Žilina in Žilina
Univerzitná 1 010 26 Žilina
Tel.:+ 421 41 5135151
Fax:+ 421 41 5135051
Website:   http://www.uniza.sk/

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