10 - Slovakia - Branches of study, specialisation

Study field is area of cognition which can be subject of higher education in one of its three levels. The field of study is limited by content which is characterized by area and extend of knowledge, skills and abilities which define graduate profile. Set of fields of study is administered by the Ministry of Education.

According to Act No. 131/2002 of Law Code on higher education and on the change and supplement to some acts, as amended, the Ministry of Education issues and regulates the system of the fields of study in the Slovak Republic. The Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic issued the List of Study Fields in Higher Education in the Slovak Republic as the Decision of the Ministry No. 2090/2002 of 16.12.2002, which has been a subject of numerous modifications by now.

The Ministry of Education may introduce a new study field or carry out a change in the List only after prior opinion by the Accreditation Commission.

Fields of Study, Specialisation - Higher Professional Education

The fields of study include:

  • at conservatoire singing, music, dramatic art, dance;
  • at the school of applied art, e.g., hand-made artistic processing of textiles;
  • at secondary health school the state-registered nurse, the state-registered general nurse, the state-registered physiotherapist and the state-registered radiological assistant.
At the other SOŠ there are the following fields of study, for example, electrical engineering, textile and clothing, agriculture and forestry, economics and organisation, business and services, special education, etc.

Fields of Study, Specialisation - Bachelor's Study, Magister’s Study, Engineer’s Study and Doctor’s Study

The system of study fields was developed by a working committee composed of representatives of higher education institutions in agreement with international standards (International Standard Classification of Education / ISCED 97) will all the specificities of Slovak system of education and training preserved. The academic year 2004/2005 was the last one in which the higher education institutions could admit the students for study fields according to former regulations.. Since the academic year 2005/2006 the higher education institutions may admit the students only to study programs introduced by Higher Education Act.. The possibility of admission is conditional on accreditation of the given field of study. Therefore throughout the year 2004 the higher education institutions submitted to the Accreditation commission the applications for accreditation of new study programmes in the study fields introduced in the new system of study fields. The system of study fields is administered according to law by the ministry. Higher education institutions could submit their applications for accreditation of study programs 7in 160 study fields, for accreditation of study programs of the second level in 166 study fields and for accreditation of study programmes of the third level in 305 study fields.

The number of study fields as compared to previous state has been reduced by introduced of new system of study fields as follows: According to former regulations there were 268 bachelor study fields while in the new system the number has been reduced by. Out of 623 magister study fields in the new system the number has been reduced by 457. Specific orientation of individual higher education institutions or faculties has not be effected by this step, as the higher education institutions considers its specificities within the framework of the study programme. By separation the term of "study program" from "study field" the system of higher education become more transparent. It should be noted that the system of study fields is an open document and in case of need it is updated by decision of the ministry and upon the opinion by the Accreditation Commission.

Fields of Study - PhD Study

For the PhD study the same list of the fields of study is applied as for study of the first and second level.

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Date: 2009
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