The Act 131/2002 of the Law Code on higher education and on the change
and supplement to some acts, as amended, sets down that a private
higher education institution is acknowledged the right to act in the
form of a State consent which is granted by Government. In 2001,
following the previous regulations, the Act on establishment of the
College of Management in Trenčín came into being.
Starting from 2003,
the St. Elisabeth School of Health Service and Social Work in
Bratislava has been founded and in 2004, the Bratislava School of Law
and the University of Public Administration Economy and Management in
Bratislava. In 2005, based on the State consent, the University in
Sládkovičovo and the International School of Management ISM Slovakia in
Prešov started their activities. In 2006 the Central European College
in Skalica, Dubnica Institute of Technology in Dubnica nad Váhom,
Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts and College of Security
Management in Kosice were established.