09 - Spain - Organisation of the academic year

The organisation of the academic year in university and non-university higher education, is responsibility of both the Government and the Autonomous Communities. The Government is responsible for establishing the minimum number of teaching days while the Autonomous Communities are in charge of planning the university academic schedule.

More specific information on the organisation of the academic year in higher education studies is available in the following subsections.

University tertiary education

The organisation of the academic year is laid down in the statutes of each university, in which it is stated that all university institutions must accommodate official academic holidays, although they can also establish their own holidays for their ceremonies or university events.

In Spanish universities, the academic year usually begins in the first week in October, and ends at the end of June. Even though classes and final exams end in June, universities are still open during July and August, with a reduced timetable, so that research activities carried out in universities continue.

The official schedule establishes a total of 220 working days in the year, with approximately two weeks off at Christmas and 10 days at Easter. Regulations concerning the university academic timetable stipulate that classes at this educational level should be provided from Monday to Saturday. However, it is also possible to adopt a different schedule, which enables the distribution of the total weekly teaching hours from Monday to Friday.

The academic year is organised into two four-month periods. The first four-month period usually extends from the beginning of the academic year to the end of January, when the final exams of the subjects offered during that first four-month period and the mid-term exams of the annual subjects are held. The second four-month period covers the months of February, March, April and May and the corresponding exams are held throughout the month of June.

In addition, universities organise additional exam sessions in September, although they may organise these exams within the month of July.

Non-university tertiary education

The non-university higher education schedule generally runs from September 1st to June 30th except for Christmas, Easter and summer holidays, as well as the national and regional public holidays (around 8 days every year).

The information on the organisation of the teaching periods specifically for post-compulsory non-university education can be found in the following subsections.

Advanced vocational training

The ciclos formativos of advanced vocational training begin in the first two weeks of September, except for the first year, which begins in the first week of October. The teaching activity finishes during the last two weeks of June.

Enseñanzas de régimen especial

The information regarding the organisation of the academic year of this type of provision is available in the following subsections.

Artistic studies

Music, Dance and Dramatic Arts studies start at the beginning of October and finish by mid June. The advanced studies of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets and Design begin in the first week of October and finish by the end of June.

The ciclos formativos of advanced Plastic Arts and Design start at the beginning of September and finish by mid June, except for Christmas and Easter and holidays (around 8 days).

Sports studies

Sports studies begin in mid September and finish approximately in mid June (except for Christmas and Easter holidays) depending on the schedule of each Autonomous Community.

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Date: 2009
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