16 - Spain - Educational/vocational guidance, education/employment links

Educational/vocational guidance, education/employment links

The information about guidance in higher education, both university and non-university, is available in the following subsections.

University tertiary education

The Centros de Orientación e Información de Empleo, COIE (Guidance, Information and Employment Centres) have been set up in various universities as a result of agreements between the corresponding university and the Instituto Nacional de Empleo, INEM (National Institute for Employment). These institutions aim to advise and provide information to graduates and students in the final years in order to assist them in the search for employment. The COIE also provides information on the current formative and professional options. As regards employment, they may facilitate on-the-job training placements, training and professional integration courses, or they may provide companies with a cost-free pre-selection service to fill certain vacancies. In any case, those universities which provide these services are the ones that determine the specific characteristics of the services offered.

Non-university tertiary education

The information about guidance in non-university higher education is available in the following subsections.

Advanced vocational training

The Royal Decree 1538/2006 states the aims and the organisation that education authorities must comply with concerning information and vocational guidance as regards advanced vocational training. These objectives match those of intermediate vocational training


Enseñanzas de régimen especial

The information about guidance in the different enseñanzas de régimen especial is available in the following subsections.

Artistic studies

The qualifications obtained once Artistic studies have been completed are intended to facilitate the integration of students into employment.

The advanced ciclos formativos of Plastic Arts and Design include on-the-job training in companies, studios and workshops, which is of utmost importance when it comes to facilitating professional integration, since students get in touch with professionals, associations and institutions. Thus, it contributes from a real-life approach in putting into practice the proyectos educativos.

Sports studies

The general component of advanced Sports education includes a módulo profesional called Professional Development. The contents covered by this módulo are related to the integration - of those holding a certificate of Técnico Deportivo Superior - into employment, the professional associations and the legal requirements which allow them to exercise their profession.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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