University tertiary education
In accordance with the legislation currently in force on the creation and
recognition of public and private universities and university institutions,
those who are owned by an individual or a legal entity of a private nature are
considered private universities.
In addition, the necessary requirements for the creation of new universities,
both public and private, have been legally established. Both are endowed with
legal status and develop their functions autonomously and in a co-ordinated
way, which involves all of them.
Private universities, as established in the 2001 Ley Orgánica de
Universidades, LOU (Act on Universities), are governed by regulations
passed by the State and the Autonomous Communities, by the law of their
recognition and by their own regulations of organisation and operation, as well
as by the rules corresponding to the type of legal status adopted. Their
organisation and operational rules are passed and drawn up by themselves,
subject, in every case, to the constitutional principles and effectively
guaranteeing the principle of academic freedom demonstrated by academic,
research and study freedom. These rules include their governing and
representation bodies, as well as their procedures for appointment and
dismissal. Individual governing bodies of private universities have exactly the
same name as those established for public universities. The structure of
private universities complies with the structure set up for public
The structure of private universities is the same as that of public
universities and their organisation and running rules are the same as those set
for the statutes of public universities.
The possibility of the creation, modification and withdrawal, in private universities,
of faculties, escuelas técnicas
superiores or escuelas
politécnicas superiores and escuelas
universitarias or escuelas
universitarias politécnicas, as well as the implementation and
withdrawal (in private universities) of studies leading to the award of
official degrees valid nationally will be carried out at the suggestion of the
relevant university.
Non-university tertiary
The information about private non-university higher education is available in
the following subsections.
Advanced vocational training
The opening of private educational institutions is subject to administrative
authorisation from the Autonomous Communities, which are in turn responsible
for establishing the specific requirements that institutions offering this type
of provision must meet.
Enseñanzas de régimen especial
The information about the different private enseñanzas de régimen especial
The opening of private educational institutions providing this type of
education is subject to administrative authorisation from the Autonomous
Communities. In addition, if the private institution ceases to meet the minimum
established requirements, the relevant education authority can revoke the
Those private institutions providing this type of education are called
authorised institutions and their name should also specify the provision and
level taught.
Sports studies
The opening and running of private institutions providing this type of
education is subject to administrative authorisation from the Autonomous
Communities, which will be given if they meet the necessary requirements
concerning funding for human and material educational resources.