04 - Sweden - General Objectives

Governed by the general regulations in the legislative framework, universities and university colleges are free to define their own goals and how the programmes are organised. The main tasks of the state universities and university colleges are to:

  • Provide education that is based on scientific or artistic grounds as well as on well-established experience
  • Carry out research and artistic and other development work
  • Co-operate with the surrounding society and inform the public about the institutions’ activities

In higher education there should be a close link between research and education, and scientific credibility and good practice is to be safeguarded. The higher education institutions must tailor their activities to attain high quality and make efficient use of available resources. Institutions of higher education should promote students influence over the education as well as the understanding of other countries and international relations. Universities and university colleges should work actively to broaden recruitment to higher education. Equal rights for all students shall always be observed and promoted with regard to gender, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or disabilities.

General goals for undergraduate education

Students should be given:

  • The ability to make independent and critical assessments
  • The ability to identify, formulate and solve problems and
  • A preparedness to deal with changes in working life

In addition to acquiring knowledge and skills in the field covered by the course, students should develop the ability to:

  • Seek and evaluate knowledge at scientific level
  • Follow developments in knowledge and
  • Exchange knowledge with people without special expertise in the field

Professional degrees have additional specific learning outcomes.

A three-cycle structure of higher education applies since 1 July 2007. The new structure replaces the former system. The former degree system has been reformed and structured to fit the new three-cycle system.

First and second cycle education is referred to as undergraduate education.

General goals for post-graduate education

Post-graduate studies shall, in addition to what is stipulated for undergraduate studies, provide the student with the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out independent research.

A three-cycle structure of higher education applies starting 1 July 2007. The new structure replaces the former system. The former degree system has been reformed and structured to fit the new three-cycle system.

Third level education is referred to as post-graduate education.

Eurydice - the information network on education in Europe

Date: 2009
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