By the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Acts 1992 and 2005 further education has the task of:
preparing a person for a vocational qualification;
preparing a person for
Scottish Qualifications Authority or comparable English qualifications;
providing instruction for persons participating in a programme of learning who have learning difficulties;
preparing a person for access to higher education;
assisting persons whose first language is not English to achieve a level of competence in English language; and
preparing a person for participation in any programme of learning.
Higher Education
terms of the Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Acts 1992 and
2005, the higher education institutions provide sub-degree courses,
first degree courses, courses for the education and training of
teachers, courses of post-graduate studies at Masters and Doctorate
levels and courses at a higher level in preparation for a qualification
from a professional body. The higher education institutions are also
expected to carry out research.